Legal Terms of Euroempleo


1. Legal Information

Training Center Macu SL residing in Grenada (Chopping Huetor) C/ ISAAC PERAL 20 – CP.1836; CIF: B18755321 is the holder and owner of the website services hereinafter Euroempleo or Website.

Euroempleo reserves the right to change without notice, presentation and / or configuration of the website, and some or all services, and add new services. Euroempleo enti by Candidate, the user or the person who seeks, using services Euroempleo.


2. Object

Las presentes Condiciones Legales regulan el acceso y uso por parte del Candidato de los servicios del Sitio Web. La finalidad Euroempleo es la de proporcionar una plataforma que permita el encuentro entre empresas y candidatos en un entorno online.

En este sentido Euroempleo tiene como objeto facilitar al Candidato poder acceder a ofertas de empleo y las empresas que puedan acceder al C.V de los Candidatos registrados. Euroempleo permite a las Empresas registradas, access to the database Candidate according to the privacy level selected for each Candidate.

Euroempleo is a platform that allows:

El business registration they can publish and manage their job. Dichas publicaciones serán mostradas en los resultados de búsqueda de la web y los usuarios se podrán suscribir mediante solicitud online.

El Registration of candidates they can publish and manage their Curriculum Vitae, so that it can be shown in search results, si es que así como lo han indicado en la sección de privacidad.

Using the Website implies full acceptance Candidate of the provisions contained in the Legal Terms Euroempleo as published by the time the candidate access the Web Site.

Please read these Terms periodically.

Euroempleo Website may remove illegal or suspected illegal contents without notice.

The Applicant acknowledges that it is not always technically possible to achieve an availability of the Web Site 100%. However every effort will be made to keep the website with the highest record in the best possible conditions. Especially for maintenance, the security capacity, and because of events over which you can not influence Euroempleo (anomalies of public communications networks, electricity coretes, etc.), brief anomalies or temporary suspension of services may occur Euroempleo.

3. Services provided by the web

The services provided to the Candidate Euroempleo Listed.

Registration of Candidates de forma gratuita a través del proceso de alta. Cada candidato podrá exponer su CV para que pueda ser visto por las empresas que estén interesadas en el perfil.

Selección del nivel de privacy CV.

Registration of companies that may expose your public profile.

Selección del nivel de privacy company profile.

Herramientas para la de job search.

Herramientas para la de CV Search.

Posibilidad de send applications for jobs.

Management applications by employers.

Job Alerts Service y by email RSS. Automatically and free of offers received by electronic means, with Keyword.


1. Obligaciones del candidato

El Candidato se compromete a hacer un uso diligente del Sitio Web y de los servicios accesibles desde el mismo, in full compliance with the Act, to morality and these Legal Terms and, if, particular conditions, and maintain due respect to other Candidates.

Euroempleo condiciona la utilización de la mayoría de sus servicios a la previa cumplimentación del correspondiente registro de Candidato al Sitio Web de conformidad con la Ley 15/99 Data Protection.

El Candidato debe seleccionar el identificador (ID o login) and password that the undertaking to conserve and use it with due diligence.

Using the password is not transferable, not being allowed the assignment, even temporarily, to third parties. In this regard, el Candidato deberá adoptar las medidas necesarias para la custodia de la contraseña por él seleccionada, avoiding use of the same for third. Thus, el Candidato es el único responsable de la utilización que, your password is performed, with full indemnity for Euroempleo. En el supuesto de que el Candidato conozca o sospeche del uso de su contraseña por terceros deberá poner tal circunstancia en conocimiento de Euroempleo con la mayor brevedad.

The register shall be in the form specified explicitly in the service itself.

Toda la información que facilite el Candidato a través de los servicios deberá ser veraz. For this purpose, el Candidato garantiza la autenticidad de todos aquellos datos que comunique como consecuencia de la cumplimentación de los formularios necesarios para la suscripción de los Servicios. Also, el Candidato garantiza que es mayor de 16 years old.

Similarly, Candidate will be responsible to keep all information provided to Euroempleo constantly updated so that it reflects, at all times to the actual situation of the Candidate. In any case, the candidate will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damage caused to Euroempleo or others for the information provided.

El Candidato se obliga a respetar las leyes aplicables y los derechos de terceros al utilizar los contenidos y servicios del Sitio Web. Also prohibited reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation to change, by any means and in any form, the contents of the Web Site (texts, designs, graphics, news, databases, sound files and / or image, logos, etc.) and other elements of this Web Site, without prior authorization from the legal owner or when permitted by law.

De ilustrativo y no way limiting, is prohibited: use abusive or libelous content, con independencia de que esos contenidos afecten a otros Candidatos o a otras personas o Empresas , use pornography or violate the laws to protect minors, or advertising, offer or distribute pornographic products or violate the laws to protect minors, molestar a otros Candidatos s (especially through spam), use content legally protected (p. ej. by the legislation on intellectual property, brands, patent, utility models or aesthetic models) without being entitled to it, or advertising, offering or distributing goods or services protected by law, and perform or promote anti-competitive actions, including those aimed at attracting customers progressive (as chain systems, snow ball of the pyramidal).

2. Registration of candidates.

To enlist the candidate, it must complete an initial online form and accept the rules of use and privacy policy Euroempleo. Next, el candidato recibirá un correo a la dirección de correo que ha indicado, with a reminder of the registration data provided.

After completing the registration, the user can send job applications and complete your CV.


3. Purpose of the collection and processing of personal data.

The data provided by the candidates through the registration form for such purpose on Euroempleo are collected for the purpose of managing the stock of Candidates and the provision of services to applicants as provided by the web service.

4. Security.

Measures of technical and organizational nature established by regulation adopted, ensuring the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, amending Regulation Development Organization Act 15/1999, of 13 December, protection of personal data and other control procedures for the security of information systems.

5. Privacy Levels.

The candidate should select the level of privacy of personal data provided to Euroempleo.

Maximum Privacy: En el apartado de Edición de C.V se podrá seleccionar un nivel de seguridad que impida que los datos personales y curriculares puedan aparecer en resultados de búsqueda tanto de empleadores como de otros candidatos.

Privacy Normal: Se podrá optar en el apartado de Edición de C.V por un nivel de seguridad que permita que nuestros datos curriculares aparezcan en resultados de búsqueda de los empleadores.

The candidate may change, at any time, the level of privacy through the panel Edit your CV.

NOTE: when responding to a request for job, always the employer who created this offer is sent, the data in the form and attachments, have been made on the form by the applicant, regardless of the level of privacy that the candidate has.

6. Remember data login in a terminal.

Se recordará su nombre usuario y su contraseña para que pueda inscribirse en ofertas, update your CV, etc.. without having to re-enter it each time you access the web Se dejará de recordar desde el momento en que se pulse en “Cerrar sesión”. El usuario no deberá cerrar sesión cuando utilice equipos compartidos.

7. Electronic Communications.

Will be carried out through email communications:

Directed candidates, para notificarle que su solicitud a una oferta de empleo ha sido enviada; and reminder of his credentials.

Email alerts, irán dirigidas a los usuarios que voluntariamente deseen recibirlas, performing registration and suggesting keywords associated with wishing alert. Option be given in each email sent to any alert unsubscribe by clicking the same link you sent.

8. Consent of the candidate.

When filling out the first form and click to send data, Candidate and / or student that you have read and expressly accepted this privacy policy included within the legal requirements of the Candidate and / or Student, and gives its unequivocal and explicit consent to the processing of personal data under the mentioned purposes and services provided Euroempleo, and the transfer of personal data to third parties for the performance of service (with the conditions specified in paragraph privacy control). For these purposes the term Third “entities, Empresas que utilizan los servicios de Euroempleo para la búsqueda y selección de personal”.

Equally, los Candidatos autorizan expresamente a Euroempleo a acceder a sus datos personales y curriculares, regardless of their level of privacy, in order to inform and effect of specific job offers and suitable to their professional profile.

9. Responsibility.

Candidate Euroempleo guarantees that all the personal information you provide is accurate and up to date so that responding truthfully to the current status of Candidate. Corresponde y es obligación del Candidato mantener, at all times, Restated data, siendo el Candidato el único responsable de la inexactitud o falsedad de los datos facilitados a Euroempleo y de los perjuicios que pueda causar por ello a Euroempleo o a terceros con motivo de la utilización de los servicios ofrecidos por Euroempleo.


1. Registration of companies.

In order to register a company, must complete an initial online form and accept the rules of use and privacy policy Euroempleo. Next, el candidato recibirá un correo a la dirección de correo que ha indicado, with a reminder of the registration data provided.

After registration the company will check your account.

Companies can act as employers by posting job listings that in turn may be requested by candidates. Las distintas solicitudes que llegan al empleador serán gestionadas desde el panel company where you can mark the various stages of the application.

Also you can see the information that has been submitted by the applicant and attached files for the same, in the application of supply.

Companies can also access the CVs of the candidates provided that allows the level of privacy.

2. Purpose of the collection and processing of personal data.

The purposes of the collection and processing of personal data supplied by the user are as follows:

  1. Management of tenders and / or courses offered

Provision of services to its users Euroempleo which includes the following:

– Inserting a job in the employment exchange.

– Receiving CV enrolled in the offers made.

– Management of the selection process.

– Electronic communications service.

  1. Electronic services and commercial communications by electronic means:

Conducting business communications Euroempleo (treatments for purposes of advertising and market research).

  1. Alerts Service, free automatic reception of CV electronically.

The possibility of knowing offered through electronic communications (e-mail) quickly, staff and free, los CV de Candidato que se han inscrito en las ofertas que ha publicado el cliente.

3. Security.

Se pone en conocimiento de los usuarios de Euroempleo que se han adoptado las medidas de índole técnica y organizativas reglamentariamente establecidas, ensuring the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, amending Regulation implementing Organic Law was adopted 15/1999, of 13 December, protection of personal data and other control procedures for the security of information systems.

4. Privacy Levels.

The candidate should select the level of privacy of personal data provided to Euroempleo.

Maximum Privacy: En el apartado de Edición del perfil de la empresa, you can select a security level that prevents profile data are the same public.

Privacy Normal: He may choose to edit profile section of the company, to show their profile data publicly.

The Company may amend, at any time, the level of privacy.

5. Remember data login in a terminal.

Your username and password will be remembered so you can access the management without having to re-enter credentials each time you access the web Se dejará de recordar desde el momento en que se pulse en “Cerrar sesión”. El usuario deberá cerrar sesión cuando utilice equipos compartidos.

6. Electronic Communications

Will be carried out through email communications:

Addressed to employers, just to notify you that you have created a job offer, impending expiration of their labor supply, reminder of your login credentials, account verification, applications referred to it referred to their jobs created, and providing access to C.V..

4. Privacy Policy.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of 13 December, protection of personal data, the personal information you provide, including CVs, will be included in a file registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, cuyo titular es Centro de Formación Macu S.L.

6. Cookies Policy.

Cookies are small text files generated by the web pages you visit, which contain the session data that can be useful later in the website. The data allow the website to keep your information between pages, and also to discuss how to interact with the site.

Cookies are safe because they can only store information that was put in place by the browser, what information the user entered in the browser or included in the page request. They can not run code and can not be used to access your computer.

Cookies are essential for the operation of Internet, providing many advantages in providing interactive services, providing the navigation and usability of the web. Cookies can not harm your computer and they're enabled helps identify and resolve errors.

Then, provide more information for different types of cookies used in better understand:

Session Cookies: are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so no is registered in the user's hard drive. The information collected through these cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the web. Eventually, This allows you to provide a better experience to improve the content and facilitate their use.

Permanent cookies: are stored on the hard drive and the website reads each time a new check is performed. Despite its name, a permanent web has a set expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. Used, generally, to facilitate the various services offered by web pages.

7. Access, rectification, opposition, cancellation and revocation of consent given, and updating.

Tanto el Candidato o la Empresa pueden ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectification, cancellation and opposition, and to unsubscribe from services Euroempleo.

These rights can be exercised by the configuration of the web page, or to the owner of the file. In case of trouble for doing this online to any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, you can send data directly to:

Candidate Care Department

Granada (Chopping Huetor) C/ ISAAC PERAL 20 – CP.18360

8. Data controller and data processing.

Macu SL Training Centre established in Granada (Chopping Huetor) C/ ISAAC PERAL 20 – CP.18360